Professional Skills:

Vocational Consulting
Plan Development
Job Placement
Labor Market Survey
Essential Functions Job Analysis
Ergonomics Consultant
Long-Term Disability and Disability Management

Summary of Qualifications:

Extensive professional management experience in case and disability
management, coupled with strong technical workers compensation expertise.
Excellent presentation, small group and one-on-one instruction skills.
Demonstrated proficiency in claims, problem resolution, negotiation,
counseling and coaching. Seven years of ongoing ergonomics experience.


1999 – Present.
Vocational Case Manager/Rehabilitation Specialist/Ergonomics Consultant

  • Provide vocational rehab services to   individuals and employers.
  • Provide job placement workshops, emphasizing in resume development, job seeking skills and job assessment.
  • Implement individual job training needs.
  • Conduct safety, ergonomics inspections and provide assessment and recommendations.
  • Facilitates return to work situation.
  • Explores and provides return to work solutions for employers.
  • Manages employee health and disability to maintain productivity and minimize loss costs.
  • Performs onsite Essential Functions Job Analyses.
  • Performs individual and departmental Ergonomic Evaluations.

Senior Claims Representative

  • Managed workers compensation disability claims.
  • Negotiated settlements at Boards on behalf of employers.
  • Presented quarterly reviews to County of Alameda representatives.
  • Audited and reviewed claim payment, and all payment transactions.
  • Resolved successful resolutions of claims from inception to closure.


Golden Gale University
MBA Degree
1999 – San Francisco, CA


Self-Insured Workers
Compensation Certificate,
IEA Worker’s
Compensation Certificate and Ergonomics Certificate by Roy Matheson.
Certified Professional Disability Management,
Independent Vocational Counselor, I.V.E. state approved.